Thursday, May 17, 2007

avatar update and my dog Lady

I went back and put in a background for my profile avatar. I also added some animation to her and a cute little doggy with a pink bow in her hair. I want to learn how to make the avatar speak. I want to add audio to her.
Can an avatar be added to each post?

Some thoughts on how to use the avatar concept with patrons--
Have an avatar librarian link that has an animated voice-- The librarian would perhaps talk about "know your business" or maybe just recommend a good murder mystery to read. She could explain how to request and item for home delivery??

Avatars and RSS feeds-- how to put these two concepts together in a library setting??

My dog goes to the vet today at 2pm. I hope she gets a good report. If she gets a good report and has lost weight I think I should buy her a new toy.

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