This assignment is to report how I will use my mp3 player. I probably will not use the mp3 player given for participating in the course. I already have one that I use for downloading music. Assignment complete.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
week 10- Life as a Panther
This assignment is to report how I will use my mp3 player. I probably will not use the mp3 player given for participating in the course. I already have one that I use for downloading music. Assignment complete.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Week 9 Digital music
I liked listening to Emily Wallace. I'm not sure where I fall on the music recording but it seems ok to rip songs from your own cd that you already purchased and listen to them on your mp3 player. I do not believe it is ok to download the music from your cd and give it to someone else. It seems like stealing.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Flickr -week 8 and my beautiful doggy
Not a bad assignment. I just need to locate the camera and get permission to take some pics. How does uploading work? I guess I'll find out soon. This sounds like a group project.
This is week 11 and I finally got a camera. Thanks to Kim, I learned how take a few digital picts. and send them to flickr. I just found her by accident in the workroom and borrowed the camera from the info desk.
I like this course very much. It is crucial to learning current technology and providing excellent customer service. I wish we had this course sooner. However, I am disappointed in not having a classroom partner. I was under the impression that we would work in pairs. I have worked hard to master some of these skills which are probably very easy for a lot of people. I scrambled around to find a staff member who had the skill that I did not have and learn from them. Then I would hustle around and help other co-workers who were having some difficulty so that they could advance in their computer skills. I also benefited immensely from this approach. Under the present changes we have even less time to help each other. It seems as if we are very isolated. When it is slow we should be allowed to join co-worker and sit at a station and do everything listed in the assignment until we can master the skill so well that we can do it in our sleep.
My doggy is very happy. She is constantly running around. She has a lot of energy. She will go to the vet on June 8 for a check up. I hope she has lost more weight.
This is week 11 and I finally got a camera. Thanks to Kim, I learned how take a few digital picts. and send them to flickr. I just found her by accident in the workroom and borrowed the camera from the info desk.
I like this course very much. It is crucial to learning current technology and providing excellent customer service. I wish we had this course sooner. However, I am disappointed in not having a classroom partner. I was under the impression that we would work in pairs. I have worked hard to master some of these skills which are probably very easy for a lot of people. I scrambled around to find a staff member who had the skill that I did not have and learn from them. Then I would hustle around and help other co-workers who were having some difficulty so that they could advance in their computer skills. I also benefited immensely from this approach. Under the present changes we have even less time to help each other. It seems as if we are very isolated. When it is slow we should be allowed to join co-worker and sit at a station and do everything listed in the assignment until we can master the skill so well that we can do it in our sleep.
My doggy is very happy. She is constantly running around. She has a lot of energy. She will go to the vet on June 8 for a check up. I hope she has lost more weight.
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Web 2.0 Adventure -week 7
One of my favorite topics is dogs. Here is a link to a web 2.0 application under the category of social networking.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
My dog Lady the magnificient
My dog has to go back to the vet around June 7th for another check up. The vet decreased her thyroid pill intake. At night she only gets 1/2 of a pill. I took her for a walk this evening and she wanted to run around the block.
I think I will check out a book on html so I can learn to add more stuff to my blog.
I think I will check out a book on html so I can learn to add more stuff to my blog.
Flamingos, Dolphins and Panthers, Oh My!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
shelfari and html and my doggy
I dont know what happened to my post. I thougt i published it and then discovered I saved it as a draft but when I called it up and hit the publish button it was empty.
I have an account with Shelfari but I cannot figure how to post it to my blog. I keep getting an error message-- tag is broken
My boss has shelfari linked to her blog. Maybe she will pity me and give me a clue on how to add this to my blog. I'm sure that I'm missing something very simple.
My favorite web 2.0 technology-- It is a toss up between blogging and creating an avatar.
My doggy is staying with me this week because my sister is at a conference. She is still losing weight. I found a few gray hairs under my dog's chin but that is okay since she is over 60 in people years.
I have an account with Shelfari but I cannot figure how to post it to my blog. I keep getting an error message-- tag is broken
My boss has shelfari linked to her blog. Maybe she will pity me and give me a clue on how to add this to my blog. I'm sure that I'm missing something very simple.
My favorite web 2.0 technology-- It is a toss up between blogging and creating an avatar.
My doggy is staying with me this week because my sister is at a conference. She is still losing weight. I found a few gray hairs under my dog's chin but that is okay since she is over 60 in people years.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Friday, May 18, 2007
you tube-make it happen
How can I post a you tube video clip showing funny cats or funny dogs?
If you click on the empty box in this post-- actually it has a small x in the corner of it-- you will see the funny cat video. Then you have the option of watching other funny cat videos. This is still not what I wanted to do. I want a small picture of the video above the title of my post and when you click on the video you see just the one cat video with an option to view it again
If you click on the empty box in this post-- actually it has a small x in the corner of it-- you will see the funny cat video. Then you have the option of watching other funny cat videos. This is still not what I wanted to do. I want a small picture of the video above the title of my post and when you click on the video you see just the one cat video with an option to view it again
My perfect doggy
My dog lost 8.8 pounds. She now has to lose 21.2 more pounds. She is looking mush slimmer and she is even running. Oops something happened to my dog picture. I saw a message that said image was stolen. I tried to remove it from my post.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
avatar update and my dog Lady
I went back and put in a background for my profile avatar. I also added some animation to her and a cute little doggy with a pink bow in her hair. I want to learn how to make the avatar speak. I want to add audio to her.
Can an avatar be added to each post?
Some thoughts on how to use the avatar concept with patrons--
Have an avatar librarian link that has an animated voice-- The librarian would perhaps talk about "know your business" or maybe just recommend a good murder mystery to read. She could explain how to request and item for home delivery??
Avatars and RSS feeds-- how to put these two concepts together in a library setting??
My dog goes to the vet today at 2pm. I hope she gets a good report. If she gets a good report and has lost weight I think I should buy her a new toy.
Can an avatar be added to each post?
Some thoughts on how to use the avatar concept with patrons--
Have an avatar librarian link that has an animated voice-- The librarian would perhaps talk about "know your business" or maybe just recommend a good murder mystery to read. She could explain how to request and item for home delivery??
Avatars and RSS feeds-- how to put these two concepts together in a library setting??
My dog goes to the vet today at 2pm. I hope she gets a good report. If she gets a good report and has lost weight I think I should buy her a new toy.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
week 5 avatar update
Week 5 of OCLS Learn 2.0 and update on my doggy
I figured out how to add pictures to an old post.Now I have to learn how to create an avatar.
My dog will go to the vet this week. My sister will take her on Thursday. I hope she has lost weight. I have walked her everyday and only fed her dog food.
My dog will go to the vet this week. My sister will take her on Thursday. I hope she has lost weight. I have walked her everyday and only fed her dog food.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
OCLS Learn 2.0 week 4 and update on my doggy, Lady
This week was a little different. I did not have to register for anything unless I wanted to.
The three award winning websites that I viewed are as follows:
1- Social Networking-
I chose this site because one of the survivors from the Virginia Tech shooting used facebook to let his friends know that he was alive and okay.
2) Blog Guides
Technorati and Blogniscient-- I may use Blogniscient at a later date. This one seemed more user friendly to me.
3) Social Tagging--- Blink List
I wonder how this lesson today will be used in my position at OCLS.
Of all of the lessons so far the signing up for a blog was the best. This has been the most fun of all of the assignments. I have to work on the desk soon so here is the update on my doggy.
Lady has been walking everyday and she is even running just a little bit. She does look a lot thinner and she has only sneaked a drop or two of people food in the past week. This picture is obviously not my doggy but still a very cute puppy. I still have not figured out how to add a picture to my old posts.
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Picture of labrador retriever puppy--Lady
Although this is not an exact picture of my doggy, it is probably what she looked like when she was small. I walked my doggy 1/2 mile on Friday evening 5/4/07. When I go home tonight I will try to walk her more than 1/2 mile. I am off on Sunday so I will definitely walk her 2 miles.
Thank you Tom, for posting how to add pictures to a post. Is there a way to go back to my old posts and add different pictures of various Labrador Retrievers to each post? Does anyone know how to do this?
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Rss Feeds and my dog lady
This completes the third week of my OCLS Learn 2.0 class. I have created 6 RSS Feeds including one from our library webpage.
Now for the update on my doggie, Lady. Yesterday on May 2, 2007 I walked my doggie 3 times, 1/2 mile each time. Later in the evening I discovered that she spit out her thyroid pill, so had to give her two pills. She is looking much slimmer and she seems more active.
I may not have mentioned this in my previous blogs. My dog is solid black with a white cross on her chest. She does have a few gray hairs. Since she is also part Rhodesian Ridgeback she has a couple of small ridges on her back.
Now for the update on my doggie, Lady. Yesterday on May 2, 2007 I walked my doggie 3 times, 1/2 mile each time. Later in the evening I discovered that she spit out her thyroid pill, so had to give her two pills. She is looking much slimmer and she seems more active.
I may not have mentioned this in my previous blogs. My dog is solid black with a white cross on her chest. She does have a few gray hairs. Since she is also part Rhodesian Ridgeback she has a couple of small ridges on her back.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Sharry Dog Part 3
4/29/07-- I walked my dog, Lady, one mile. She went around the block in the morning and again in the late afternoon. She is starting to look thinner. She will go to the vet around May 17th for a weigh-in.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Sharry Dog part 2
My doggie has a thyroid problem. She must take medicine twice a day. This is part of the reason for her weight gain. My sister and I still do not feed her people food. However, she snuck two chips my sister left in a bowl on the coffee table.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
My dog's name is Lady. She has a slight weight problem. I took her to the vet and she has to lose 27 pounds in six months. She has been on a diet for 11 days. Since I placed her on a diet, she has had no people food and only two small meals per day. Actually, the dog belongs to my sister and me. We have joint custody. She was overweight before I came into her life. However, I have not helped the situation. Since the dog was recently fixed, the vet said she may put on some weight. But the vet did not mean that as a license to feed the dog a bunch of people food as well as her regular dog food. The dog is adjusting very well to her dog food. I never cheat now and give her people food as this causes her to be overweight and gives her back pain. Now for the past 10 days I have walked the dog nearly everyday. I expect my sister to walk the dog some but I do not believes she does this. My doggie just finished her meds and she is up to walking over 1/2 mile per day. Each week I will increase her walking. When I am eating my dinner, the dog stares at me. I used to cave in and share my food with her but I stopped doing this because it truly hurts her. I also used to wrap her dog vitamins and joint pills in people food so she would take them. Guess what? The dog will take her meds without people food. She is not spoiled. We just treated her like she was. Also, recently I found a new stuffed toy for my doggie. It is a squeaky red colored tootsie roll lollipop. Red tootsie roll lollipops are my favorite candy in the whole world so I thought I would share with the dog. ( squeaky toys not real candy because I love her). Each week I will post her progress on this blog.
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